Weekly Update: Saturday 30th July 2016

Nearly the end of July – where did this month go?

Straight back to work this week:

  • Weeding quinoa and amaranth patches.
  • Weeding old trenches and feeding them before sowing seeds: radishes, coriander, parsley, spring onions, lettuce, rocket, spinach and ‘Alderman’ peas.
  • Weeding and feeding sweetcorn.
  • Netting an apple tree that the birds are partial to. They knicked every single one last year. It was time for some netting.
  • Picking redcurrants, jostaberries, last of the blackcurrants and raspberries for now, last couple of strawberries, blueberries, last morello cherries.
  • Clearing up bolted lettuce for chickens and ducks.
  • Digging up two blight potato plants worth of harvest for boiled and mashed potatoes.
  • Harvesting lots of very big courgettes, last broad beans, baby runner beans, carrots, cabbage, kale, cucumbers, lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, peas, giant and beautiful onions, garlic and tomatoes.


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South East of England. Family owns pets: dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, kune kune pigs (not for eating) and bees (that we never get any honey from). I am vegetarian because I have never liked the taste or texture of meat but my family do eat it so I will be including meat recipes on this blog. I work in our vegetable garden alongside my mum. Our dream is to be self-sufficient. I hope that this blog inspires, informs and is found interesting for any readers. I will be discussing anything to do with gardening, growing, working on the land and food, including recipes as I go along. Please feel free to ask any questions relating to the blog.

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